Reading Accuracy Calculator

Use this Reading Accuracy Calculator to find your reading accuracy rate.

Reading Accuracy Calculator

What is a Reading Accuracy Calculator?

Reading Accuracy Calculator is an online academic tool that helps you to find your reading accuracy rate.

Reading accuracy is the ability to recognise words correctly. Reading accuracy requires students to be able to pronounce written words correctly.

An individual can't be considered a fluent reader if he made many errors. Neither we can expect a reader to never make a mistakes. Mistakes are a part of our life, but they should be minimal.

The four pillars of reading accuracy are:

To become a fluent reader, you should work on all these four domains to improve your overall reading fluency.

Note: Acceptable levels of accuracy in reading should range from 95% to 100%.

How to Use the Reading Accuracy Calculator?

  1. Visit the Reading Accuracy Calculator page
  2. Enter the total number of words read in the first input field
  3. Then, enter the total number of errors made by you
  4. Click on the 'Calculate' button to compute your reading accuracy rate

Reading Accuracy Formula

Reading Accuracy Rate: ((Total Words Read - Total Errors)/Total Words Read) x 100

How to Calculate the Reading Accuracy Rate?

To calculate the reading accuracy rate, you can use the following formula:

RA = ((WR - E)/WR) x 100


Solved Example

Q. Joseph is an avid reader. He always carries a book with himself. Currently, he is reading 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho to his 10-year-old son. He has read 4,000 words and made 75 errors. Calculate the reading accurary rate of Jospeh.

Total Words Read = 4000 words

Total Errors Made = 75 words

Taking help of the reading accuracy formula, RA = ((WR - E)/WR) x 100, we'll get;

Reading Accuracy = ((4000-75)/4000) x 100 = 98.13%

Thus, Joseph reading accuracy rate is 98.13% which is pretty impressive.


Pillars of Fluent Reading Retrieved from "The 4 Pillars of Reading Fluency"

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